want know what was up with hotdogboy in 2002? start scrollin'!



DECEMBER 31, 2002 - Toronto -Tim Sim's Playhouse

Who are these Devil's Advocates and what are they doing on New Years Eve?

Andrew Currie along with Albert Howell are putting on the Bash of the Titans!

The Devil's Advocates and some of Toronto's top comedians, including

Boyd Banks, Fast and Dirty, Lisa Lambert and more will be appearing.

But that's not all!... They'll be showing UGH, CUT, RUN and DAY too!

Happy New Year everyone!


NOVEMBER 24 , 2002 - Toronto - Pirate Video Cabaret

It's was the 4th anniversary of the Pirate Video Cabaret

and Greg had the urge to show CUT one more time.

He said it went over well.

Happy anniversary Pirate Video Cabaret!


NOVEMBER 5, 2002 - Toronto - Second Ciné

Andrew Currie: the man with the plan once again, for the fourth time,

graciously showed not one but two of our movies!

BAT and the world premiere of DAY which was followed by free cake for all!


NOVEMBER 4 , 2002 - Toronto - Pirate Video Cabaret

Clinton's one more time! LOG and BAT were a smash hit...

well maybe if you add an 's' in front of 'hit'...


SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 - Toronto - Second Ciné

Andrew Currie: genius of geniuses once again invited us back for another show and interview.

CUT was projected onto the big screen and Rub was all alone in the HOT SEAT!


AUGUST 21-25 2002 - Toronto - Giggleshorts International Comedy Film Festival

CUT and a few other hotdogboy shorts were shown at the

First Giggleshorts International Comedy Short Film Festival

Geo did an amazing job organizing the whole entire thing in only four months all by himself.

We look forward to the next Giggleshorts Fest with glee.


AUGUST 6, 2002 - Toronto - Second Ciné

Andrew Currie invited us back for another show. We showed RUN.

I guess he had forgotten how stupid we looked on stage the first time.


JUNE 30, 2002 - Toronto - Pirate Video Cabaret

Clinton's again? Yup! And that night along with DIG there was a Special PVC Exclusive!

A 12 minute long Intermission video presented by Hotdogboy.

This proves it!


JUNE 16, 2002 - Toronto - Pirate Video Cabaret

Clinton's is once again the happening spot as CUT and JAM are shown.


JUNE 4, 2002 - Toronto - Second Ciné

Andrew Currie in his infinite comedy wisdom decides to show PET.


JUNE 2, 2002 - Toronto - Pirate Video Cabaret

Clinton's is the place to be when YES and BOX are projected on screen for all to see!


news 2002 ----- news 2003 ----- news 2004

----- stuff ----- who ----- news ----- comix ----- thanks ----- credits -----